semper idem Ano XIII ...M'ESPANTO ÀS VEZES , OUTRAS M'AVERGONHO ... (Sá de Miranda) _________________ correio para jppereira@gmail.com _________________
EARLY MORNING BLOGS 1942 "Et nous crevons par la Blague, par l'ignorance, par l'outrecuidance, par le mépris de la grandeur, par l'amour de la banalité, et le bavardage imbécile." (Flaubert) (url) 6.1.11
(url) EARLY MORNING BLOGS 1941 - The Boston Evening Transcript The readers of the Boston Evening Transcript Sway in the wind like a field of ripe corn. When evening quickens faintly in the street, Wakening the appetites of life in some And to others bringing the Boston Evening Transcript, I mount the steps and ring the bell, turning Wearily, as one would turn to nod good-bye to Rochefoucauld, If the street were time and he at the end of the street, And I say, "Cousin Harriet, here is the Boston Evening Transcript." (T. S. Eliot) (url) 4.1.11
EARLY MORNING BLOGS 1940 - Picture-books in Winter Summer fading, winter comes— Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs Window robins, winter rooks, And the picture story-books. Water now is turned to stone Nurse and I can walk upon; Still we find the flowing brooks In the picture story-books. All the pretty things put by, Wait upon the children's eye, Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks, In the picture story-books. We may see how all things are, Seas and cities, near and far, And the flying fairies' looks, In the pictyure story-books. How am I to sing your praise, Happy chimney-corner days, Sitting safe in nursery nooks, Reading picture story-books? (Robert Louis Stevenson)
(url) 3.1.11
(url) (url) HOJE DE NOVO
(url) ESPÍRITO DO TEMPO: HOJE Passagem do tempo por um banco do jardim de S. Amaro. (RM) Ria de Aveiro, 2011 (José Carlos Santos).
(url) (NOT SO) EARLY MORNING BLOGS 1939 By this, he seemed to mean, not only that the most reliable and useful courage was that which arises from the fair estimation of the encountered peril, but that an utterly fearless man is a far more dangerous comrade than a coward. (Herman Melville, Moby Dick) (url) 2.1.11
(url) COISAS DA SÁBADO: DE ONDE VIRÁ UMA CULTURA DA VIOLÊNCIA? Uma cultura do “processo revolucionário em curso” de 1975 está a ressurgir com a crise social de 2007-10, alimentada pelo Bloco de Esquerda, pelo PCP (de forma mais moderada), pela fácil circulação do revanchismo e inveja social na Internet, pela demagogia de homens públicos, políticos e para-políticos, e pela necessidade de títulos dos jornais. Um igualitarismo de remediados, com expectativas insufladas e muitas dívidas para o consumo, com acesso aos media, está a tornar-se vocal e auto-congratulatório. Como de costume, não são os verdadeiramente pobres que assumem o discurso mais venenoso e mais “prec”, mas os radicais chic e a pequena burguesia enraivecida pela quebra de status que neles se revê.
(url) ESPÍRITO DO TEMPO: HOJE Passagem do tempo por um banco do jardim de S. Amaro. (RM) Igreja da Cartuxa (ana). Amadora (Cristina Baptista).
(url) EARLY MORNING BLOGS 1938 Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. (Herman Melville, Moby Dick) (url)
© José Pacheco Pereira