

Este documento, a EUROPA NOSTRA DECLARATION ON THE IMPACT OF WIND POWER ON THE COUNTRYSIDE é de leitura obrigatória para quem assiste à proliferação rápida, rapidíssima, e bastante indiscriminada de eólicas por tudo quanto é monte, serra , cumeada. É ainda de leitura mais obrigatória porque muitos ecologistas estão hoje no negócio das eólicas e fazem pressão para que não se cumpram as determinações ambientais. Nada tenho contra as eólicas, tenho até quase tudo a favor, só que vejo todos os dias o que se está passar nos restos de paisagem que ainda havia. Não me custa também perceber que se passou de colocar todos os entraves, para abrir todas as facilidades. Sei também que muita gente, no poder local, nos grupos ecologistas, nas grandes empresas, percebeu que as eólicas são hoje um dos grandes negócios em curso em Portugal e isso é uma combinação explosiva.

Por isso vale a pena ler (cito em inglês, mas o texto existe em português na revista Pedra e Cal nº 26, 2005) :

7. Whilst the Council fully supported the drive for renewables, including wind-power, it considered that wind-turbines must be sited in appropriate places.

8. The Council also considered that many countries have so far tended to focus too heavily on wind-power, whether on or off shore. They have provided heavy incentives for its development, relaxed planning legislation, and failed to make a balanced assessment of its merits and demerits, with the consequence that vast areas of beautiful landscape throughout Europe are now dominated by groups of ever larger wind-turbines - every one of which constitutes a small power station - and are thus being effectively industrialised, with consequent serious damage to the natural heritage.

9. The Council held that, in many European countries, a situation is being created in which social, economic, tourism, historical, cultural, wildlife and landscape impacts are being insufficiently addressed in the decision making process relating to wind-power.


c) The degree of visual intrusion, relating this to the character and quality of the surroundings, bearing in mind that modern wind-turbines are eye-catching because they are very large (over 100 metres high and growing), usually prominently placed.

d) The supplementary damage to the landscape, sensitive habitats, water courses, and other aspects of the environment, caused by the construction process, including the provision of access roads, additions to electricity networks, pylons, and buildings necessary for electricity generation and transmission.

e) The degree to which restoration of the site to its original condition at the end of the working life of the wind-turbines can be guaranteed.

f) The impact on, and proximity to, sites designated internationally, nationally, regionally or locally as protected areas.

g) The impact, on communities in the vicinity of wind-turbines, of noise and infra-sound nuisance, light interception, and/or reduction of property values.

E se evitássemos, desde o início, pelo menos uma vez, fazer uma coisa mal, por ganância e desleixo?


© José Pacheco Pereira
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