

894 - The Weather in Verse

http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/ukiyo-e/images/8530s.jpgThe undersigned desires, in a modest sort of way,
To make the observation, which properly he may,
To wit: That writing verses on the several solar seasons
Is most uncertain business, and for these conclusive reasons :

In the middle of the Autumn the subscriber did compose
A sonnet on November, showing how the spirit grows
Unhappy and despondent at the season of the year
When the skies are dull and leaden, and the days are chill and drear.

Perhaps you may recall to mind that, when November came,
No leaden skies nor chilly days accompanied the same ;
But the weather was as balmy as in Florida you'd find,
And that sonnet on November was respectfully declined !


And for these conclusive reasons it is obviously plain
That verses on the weather are precarious and vain ;
And the undersigned would only add, so far as he can see,
The trouble's not the metre, but the meteorology !

(Marc Cook)


Bom dia!


© José Pacheco Pereira
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