![]() semper idem Ano XIII ...M'ESPANTO ÀS VEZES , OUTRAS M'AVERGONHO ... (Sá de Miranda) _________________ correio para jppereira@gmail.com _________________
Hoje há cinquenta e dois anos, Sylvia Plath dava-se a si própria um empurrão para cima: “Face it kid, you've had a hell of a lot of good breaks. No Elizabeth Taylor, maybe. No child Hemingway, but god, you are growing up. In other words, you've come a long way from the ugly introvert you were only five years ago. Pats on the back in order? O.K., tan, tall, blondish, not half bad. And brains, `intuitiveness' in one direction at least. You get along with a great many different kinds of people. Under the same roof, close living, even.You have no real worries about snobbishness, pride, or a swelled head. You are willing to work. Hard, too. You have willpower and are getting to be practical about living - and also you are getting published. So you got a good right to write all you want. Four acceptances in three months - $500 Milk, $25, Sin Seventeen, $4.50 Christian Science Monitor (from caviar to peanuts, I like it all the way).” Não durou muito, porque tudo o que sobe tem que cair. Terá? Einstein, numa experiência do pensamento, mostrou que … (url)
© José Pacheco Pereira