![]() semper idem Ano XIII ...M'ESPANTO ÀS VEZES , OUTRAS M'AVERGONHO ... (Sá de Miranda) _________________ correio para jppereira@gmail.com _________________
(Cortesia de João Costa que lembrou esta “poeira”) Hoje, há oitenta e seis anos, Churchill foi a Paris como Ministro do Armamento e daí escreve à sua mulher Clementine : “Paris, 15 August, 1918 My Darling One: I never saw anything like the tropical brilliancy of the weather here. Each day is more perfect than the other. It was provoking to be cooped up in a conference hour after hour...It is quite an impressive gathering - the 4 great nations assembled along the tables with their ministers & generals etc. We arranged that each gt power represent one of the little powers (so as to restrict members). France took Greece, Italy was given Serbia, the U.S. Belgium, & we took the Portuguese; so we were like four kangaroos each with an infant in the pouch. Ours is rather a dirty brat I am afraid... Always yr devoted W.” Pois é. (url)
© José Pacheco Pereira